Top Israeli Foodtech companies and the Israeli Foodtech ecosystem visited Agro Food Park

What potential partnerships can happen between the Danish and the Israeli foodtech Ecosystem?

That was one of the many questions that more than 100 participants, including 13 Innovative Israeli foodtech companies, spend their Tuesday at Agro Food Park exploring. We are proud and honored to be able to host this kind of event, and even more excited that we can finally do it physically.

The day started off with coffee and introductions before the plenum session was gracefully begun by our own CEO of Agro Food Park Anne-Marie Hansen. The microphone was handed over to the Israeli Ambassador in Denmark David Akov. He talked about why this event existed, and that Danish and Israeli foodtech companies can learn a lot from each other. Many interesting presentations were hereafter held by Danish and Israeli companies alike.

Vice President of Freshstart Incubator Noga Sela Shalev presented the Israeli foodtech ecosystem and gave us an insight into why it is one of the best in the world, why there is so many foodtech start-ups in Israel. She also said that Denmark has an advantage in terms of the country being so old, and that we have collected data about our food and agriculture for so long. Data that Israeli foodtech companies can learn a lot from.

On the topic of data, Ivar Ravn Digital Director of SEGES Innovation, talked about the work that SEGES Innovation does in terms of all the databases they administer. He gave a very thoughtful self-insight in saying that SEGES Innovation is an old company, that should do more in working together with new companies and start-ups. He also expressed his concern of sharing their knowledge from the data they have collected, and potentially become insignificant as a result of this. However, he also said that they wanted to explore the possibilities.

Cecilia Lindström, Director Design & Connect at Arla Foods went on to talk about the work that Arla does with innovation and start-ups. Giving us an insight into what criteria Arla Foods look for in partnerships with start-ups. She also mentioned which Foodtech solutions that Arla Foods are specifically looking for.

To end off the plenum session, a panel discussion was held between Noga Sela Shalev, Ivar Ravn, Cecilia Lindström together with CTO of The Kitchen Hub, Dorit Rozner and CEO of Food & Bio Cluster Denmark Lars Visbech Sørensen. This was hosted by Head of Communication at Food & Bio Cluster Denmark, Tuid Nielsen. During the discussion they came around many topics such as pros and cons of partnerships, differences between foodtech in Denmark and Israel and the audience had a chance to ask questions or join the discussion.

In the afternoon more than 200 business meetings were held 1:1 between the participants. A lot of eager Danish companies had shown up to meet the 13 Israeli companies present. We hope that a lot of potential future partnerships were explored.

Thanks to everyone for an amazing day. Thanks to all the companies participating and the presenters. Thanks to the Isreali Embassy and Trade Officer at Embassy of Israel, Anders Bo Jensen for arranging this event with us. We hope to see you all again in the future!

Here is a full list of all Israeli Companies present at the event, if you wish to read more about them, then click on the links to their website.

Companies for 1:1 meetings:

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