Drop-in meeting with: Taste challenges in the Global Diet Transformation 

General Manager Nordics & Baltics Jacob Ravn Nielsen, Firmenich Flavors, present about Transformation into Naturals, Better Nutrition and the Plant Based revolution are all linked to continuously bigger challenges to ensure new food is Tasting Great, with a high consumer acceptance on sensory. By a science driven approach with focus on digitalization and human insights, taste challenges can be overcome in tomorrow’s food & beverages. Join this drop-in meeting and get valuable insights on current challenges and how to overcome and create GREAT TASTE…. 

The drop-in meeting is in meeting room Plant, Agro Food Park 13, March 21st at 15.00-16.00. It is free of charge but please send a mail to Søren Madsen – srma@agrofoodpark.dk, if you would like to participate.