Special Tour: Meet AgroTech companies in Agro Food Park

Agro Food Park is growing. We are today +100 companies and institutions. And we often hear there is a potential for more collaboration, more projects and business development, if there is a better insight in which companies and institutions that are actually here. In 2023 we launch several initiatives to boost the insight to the many super interesting companies and institutions here in Agro Food Park - starting with a special AgTech tour.

March 14th you can meet:

  • AgroIntelli

  • Fieldsense

  • Grainit

  • Scio+

  • Techological Institute

  • SEGES Innovation

Starting in meeting room Plant, Agro Food Park 13 at 14.30. The tour ends at 16.30.  

Sign-up by mail to srma@agrofoodpark.dk. There is a limit of 25 participants.